Thursday, August 25, 2011

Counting My Blessings

A couple of years ago, Rob, Emily and I started a dinner ritual of telling each other what 3 things we were grateful for each day. I started it as a way to infuse some optimism into everyone's outlook, especially Emily's. You know how kids seem to complain a lot? Well, I know that it's impossible to frown when you're smiling. Likewise, it's hard to complain when you are expressing gratitude! At first food seemed to be the constant subject of gratitude. So, we said good meals could only count as one thing to be thankful for. We like a challenge at our house! :) Then being grateful for our family became a common theme. So, we started saying we were grateful for the usual things, the usual things being good meals, our loving family, our comfortable home, the kitties. So, now we say we're grateful for the usual things and then go from there. We don't say what we're grateful for every day anymore, but it's often enough that we remember on a regular basis that we have a lot to be thankful for. Lately I've noticed that on days when I come home exhausted from a hard day at work Emily asks what I'm grateful for. Something tells me that's not a coincidence. The kid is pretty smart. For that I am always grateful. Sometimes the student becomes the teacher and I am happy to be reminded, especially on day's that have sucked the life out of me, that I always have so many things to be grateful for...good friends (make that EXCELLENT!), a job that is challenging, engaging and rewarding, good health, a sense of humor...and, of course, the usual things!

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