Sunday, August 7, 2011

Hydration Packs - Not just for Cyclists

This morning I debated whether to ride my bike or take a walk. I had given up on walking in July because of the heat and turned to cycling. While I love to ride my bike, like it or not I have to think about my safety. When I ride by myself (that's every time I'm riding for exercise) I have to be looking out for traffic, other cyclists that aren't good at sharing the pathway, walkers that need to be passed, my being a klutz and last, but certainly not least, the boogie man! I jest, but I've lived in Houston long enough to have heard about women, exercising alone, that were attacked. I bought mace and strapped it on my bike, but it kills the endorphins of exercise when, in the back of your mind, you're on high alert so as not to be a victim.

While on the other hand, I live close enough to Memorial Park that I can walk or drive there, have plenty of company and get in a 3 mile "pre-measured" walk. I love it. For me, walking (especially at the park) is the perfect way to get outdoors and enjoy the benefits of exercising in a social environment that is motivating, while having introspective "me time." I get the best ideas when I walk! No headphones for me - it's all about letting my mind wander and get the creative juices flowing.

But, back to the heat...Well, I bought the hydration pack so I could ride my bike in this God awful heat wave. Why not use it for walking? So I filled it up with ice water and off I went. I might have been the only walker at the park with one on, but who knows? I may start a trend.

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