Thursday, July 28, 2011

Yoga: In studio or at home?

In a former career life I had a stint as a certified personal trainer. I used to often hear people complain that they didn't have time to exercise. Until Rob and I became parents I secretly thought they were full of it. Now I know different.

Exercise is however one of the keys to my personal happiness and good health. Still, one of the challenges I face, living in Houston, is how to stay on a workout schedule in mid summer to late fall. The weather can be so oppressive! 90 Degrees at 7 o'clock at night? No thank you! The other 2 challenges are time and money. Not that I can't afford to join a gym, or go to exercise classes... but in my opinion, it's more fun to not spend money when you don't have to.

Among my favorite forms of exercise, that's year round and totally heat independent (except "hot" yoga - not for me) is, you guessed it: yoga. I think it is the fountain of youth. Great for stress relief.

About 2 1/2 years ago I was super stressed by my job. As if by some miracle a yoga studio opened up right across the street. I had only done yoga at a gym prior to trying classes at Joy Yoga and I don't recommend that approach. In the gym environment, when classes are free you don't always get the same level of instructor and classes tend to be very crowded. Just my personal opinion, I'm sure there are plenty of exceptions. I do love Joy Yoga, on Washington, just 4 blocks east of Shepherd, and I would recommend it to anyone looking for a great yoga studio... but I have a story about my experience there with the crow pose....I am athletic, but I have major klutz tendencies. If there's a way to hurt yourself, chances are I will either do it, or almost do it. Anyway, near the end of a Sunday morning Gentle Yoga class the instructor had us do the crow pose. I had never done that pose and don't remember the instructor doing a particularly good job of talking us into it. Did I mention I am competitive???? Well, I saw someone in the back of the room doing the pose and thought, "If she can do it, them so can I." I don't know why I thought that, but the next thing that happened was I heard my face hit the floor. Long story short, it was not a good situation. I looked like I was in an abusive relationship for several weeks. But, I was back after a week to continue classes. I'm just that tough and I don't like to quit. :)-
So, I contintued going to yoga, 3 times a week, for another year, at $90/month.

Then I had another accident. This time it had nothing to do with yoga. I happened to be walking out the door of my townhouse and got my shoe heel caught in the door stripping. My foot came out of my shoe and in an effort not to fall or drop anything (purse, blackberry, lunch, briefcase) I twisted my right foot and ended up putting all of my body weight on it, breaking 3 bones. So, yoga was completely out for several months. When I was ready to go back it wasn't the same for me. Classes seemed too crowded. I was behind all the regulars in fitness level. I minded rushing to make the 6 PM class on Tuesdays. The economy had taken a downturn and I thought, I'd rather have that $90 each month for something else.

I didn't think of it right away, but eventually I came up with a solution that I love. I got a couple of yoga DVD's: Rodney Yee's "Yoga for Strengh & Energy" and Denise Austin's "Yoga Body Burn." I have a room downstairs that doubles as gym, yoga studio and guest room. I can do my yoga whenever I feel like it, with excellent instruction (one-on-one). I had already invested in yoga clothes and mat. For about $30 more I have all the variety I currently desire. I also found out that if you subscribe to Netflix you can download exercise videos to try as part of the subscription. Bonus!

Here's my disclaimer: If you've never tried yoga I would recommend starting at a good yoga studio for the personal attention you will need as you learn the poses. Once you get those down you can decide whether or not to continue in studio or at home. Namaste

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